Page 11 - Patriot Privacy Kit (Chris Peterson) : Flip It & Read It
P. 11

Anyone with a computer can do this in a single afternoon. There is no computer jargon, no
                                 mysterious acronyms, and I use dozens of pictures to show you what I’m talking about.I’ve taught ma
                                 others how to use the simple steps and techniques in this kit and NONE of them had prior experienc
                                 reveal all my deepest darkest protection secrets in the brand new and NRA Business Alliance Appro

                                                               The Patriot Privacy Kit

                                                You won’t find this information anywhere else. I want to share with you the priva
                                                and security secrets I learned over the last 54 months in an easy to read, ste
                                                step formula for securing you and your family’s privacy.

               Listen to what a couple of  people just like you had to say about this never-before-seen kit:

                              Here’s what my customers have to say:

                            “Chris, as a former US Army Sgt, Ca. CHP Officer and

                            currently a Fed Ofcr., I want to thank you for providing this
                           valuable service. I am so fed up with the feds that I am leaving

                           my current post and hopefully disappear. I can see the writing
                          on the wall and if it keeps going the way it has then we can look

                          at another similar Hitler era like regime and abuses. Take care
                          and God Bless you always. NOW I KNOW THE NSA CANT

                                     TRACK ME.  4th amendment all the way.
                                        - Your Humble Servant,
Lazarus G. May 12th, 2014
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